Building a Transcript for your homeschooled high school student is a lot like filling out a form. And like any form, if you have the information on hand, it makes it a lot easier.
But if you don’t have the information gathered or even have records (for whatever reason), it can can feel overwhelming.
So for this Building a Trainscript series, we’ll start with gathering up some data or information, that will help you in the actual process of building the transcript.
To help build your records whenever it is you decide to work on your teen’s transcript I encourage you to open a blank document and keep a running document of your notes and the information you collect as you work through the prompts.
Let’s start with this prompt from the Re-creating Records Self-Interview Workbook:
- Imagine you are writing an email or letter to an acquaintance, sharing what your teen did during their high school year(s) so far. Share the awesomeness that is your teen.
- What are you proud of? What are they proud of? What are their strengths? What are their talents? What are their passions and deep interests? What did they spend a lot of time on? What cool experiences did they have? What do they hope to do in the future?
- What’s an interest or activity that surprised you? What did you learn about, because of your teen’s interest or passion for it?
Having this information not only helps you gather the data for the transcript, but also provides you with fodder if and when you need to don your “high school counselor” hat to fill out counselor letters, recommendations, and informational forms for other special programs and college admissions.
Plus, it is a really lovely way to think through the past season, semester, or year, and really reflect on all the lovely learning, growth, and experiences that happened.
Until Next Time,
Next in the Building a Transcript Series:
Building a Transcript – Pre-Work Prompt 2
Building a Transcript – Pre-Work Prompt 3
Building a Transcript – Choosing a Format & Assembly
Planned Credit vs. Captured Credit
Naming Courses